Food Scrap Recycling


The Village is gauging residents' interest in participating in food scrap recycling. Please review the information below before responding:

Why recycle food scraps?

Food scraps are one of the largest components of trash sent to landfills and incinerators. In a landfill, food scraps create methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas. When incinerated, scraps do not burn well because they contain water. The recycling alternative turns food scraps into compost which captures their nutrients and returns them to the environment.

How the program works:

Collect your food scraps in a counter-top pail. You will be able to purchase one from Village Hall that is designed for food scrapping, or you can use your own. Transfer contents to a larger transportation bin, which for most will be about 3-4 times a week. Bring your transportation bin to the recycling center, which is located at the DPW facility on Columbus Avenue. If you are using bags, you must use compostable bags which will be available for sale at Village Hall.

Initially food scraps will be hauled to a local facility for composting. The compost will not be returned to residents. (Based on the success of the program we will evaluate other composting options.)

What can be composted:

Fruits and vegetables
Meat and poultry
Fish and shellfish
Dairy products
Bread and pasta
Rice and grains
Egg shells
Chips and snacks
Nuts and seeds
Leftover, spoils and expired food
Coffee grounds
Tea bags
Cut flowers
Compostable bags

NOTE: We seek input from residents who live in the incorporated Town/Village of Mount Kisco. (Those in the Mount Kisco Post Office area who are residents of other municipalities are eligible to participate in their town's program.)

Facebook users can vote on the Village's Facebook page. If you're not on Facebook and would like to share your thoughts, please e-mail